The job of TCEG's SR&ED consultants is to provide expert assistance to businesses looking to take part in the amazingly bureaucratic SR&ED program.
Not only must our consultants be knowledgeable in the field for which they are consulting, but they must also keep up with all the latest rules and regulations from the CRA. As you may imagine, the CRA's rules are labyrinthine, requiring a professional who has the time and experience to master them. With changes happening all the time, keeping up with the CRA is itself a full-time job.
Your innovation is important, but the SR&ED claim itself must be well-written as well. It is important to work with consultants who will take the time to understand what your company has done, and this is the level of service that you can expect from TCEG. TCEG's SR&ED consultants really listen, and they also know how to compile a robust, well-documented claim to ensure swift and successful processing by the SR&ED review board. Additionally, to assure better success for clients, TCEG's SR&ED application process takes the claim through its paces, so that the client and the claim are well prepared for the possibility of an audit, before taking any risks in communicating the claim to the CRA.
Contact TCEG today to find out how TCEG's SR&ED team can help your business.